Minutes of Meeting of Brill Parish Council
september 21, 2021
7.45 - 9.45 pm in Brill Memorial Hall
Present: Cllr Dickinson (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Keeping, Cllr Slater, Cllr Tuffley, Cllr Rand (Buckinghamshire Council) and 6 members of the public.
021/153 There were no apologies for absence.
021/154 There were no declarations of interest.
021/155 The minutes of the previous meeting of 20 July 2021 were approved.
021/156 Michelle Daly was co-opted to the Council by 3 votes to 2 in a secret ballot.
021/157 It was resolved to adopt Buckinghamshire Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors as of 21/9/21. Passed unanimously.
021/158 Cllr Hulme Hunter reported that the Finance Report 2020/21 is now available on the website.
021/159 Planning application
21/03447/APP Brillbury Hall Farm Chapman’s Lane HP18 9TN Barn for alpaca housing: no objections
021/160 The Common
Cllr Slater suggested that the Farmer’s Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG) report be postponed to the November meeting when more information would be available.
021/161 Brill Village Community Herd (BVCH)
Cllr Slater reported that after reviewing BVCH’s finances it was felt that they were accurate and that the reserve was justified to ensure continuity of service and not the Council’s concern. The 2011 Concept and Strategy document means that the Parish Council has an obligation to support them at the suggested current rate and she proposed that payments of £1979.25 (received from Higher Level Stewardship – HLS) plus a £420.75 contribution from the PC be continued.
Cllr Slater felt that this ongoing commitment would demonstrate a strong relationship between the two parties.
Cllr Dickinson questioned why their reserve needed to be so high. Additional money from the PC simply added to the reserve, effectively transferring money from the PC reserve to the BVCH reserve.
Cllr Keeping proposed a modification to the proposal. That the £420.75 payment be deferred until the Council has a better understanding of their requirements and the recent legal fee has been discussed directly with BVCH.
Cllr Slater’s proposal was seconded by Cllr Tuffley and carried by 3 votes to 2.
Cllr Slater’s proposal that a full financial review of Common finances since 2016 be reviewed by an outside accountant was queried by Cllr Dickinson who felt that this could be done ‘in house’. It was agreed that the Clerk would initially search out existing documents and propose what professional help might be relevant and constructive. The Clerk will provide this review within three months.
Cllr Slater proposed that in future PC finding to BVCH is referred to as ‘payments’ not ‘donations’. This was seconded by Cllr Tuffley and carried by 4 votes with 1 abstention.
021/162 The Walks
Cllr Keeping proposed that the Council finance the purchase by the Walks Committee of a flail mower. This was seconded by Cllr Hulme Hunter and passed unanimously.
Tree surgery costs were discussed. Oxford Oak Tree Surgery have quoted £2040 inc. VAT. Cllr Tuffley proposed that the Council pay this cost but in future ask for several quotes after an independent assessment of the work to be carried out. This was seconded by Cllr Keeping and passed unanimously.
Leisure and Sport
021/163 MUGA update.
Cllr Tuffley reported that she had spoken to Derek Turner who is currently managing work on MUGA and the contractors have had to delay work until November due to supply shortages. Derek Turner’s company is donating replacement trees which will be planted when the project is complete. Decisions will need to be made on the most suitable trees to plant and there will be liaison between Derek Turner, Brill School and Brill Environment Group.
021/164 Nothing to report from the Brill Society for this meeting.
021/165 Nothing to report from the Playground Committee for this meeting.
021/166 Gigaclear
Cllr Keeping reminded the meeting that Gigaclear under the Electronic Communications Code 2017 can install the network with or without a contract with the Parish Council. If the contract is signed they will pay the Council the sum of £7070.70 In discussion with Gigaclear they have agreed to bury cabinets and use existing infrastructure where possible, although they will have to install additional overhead wires but alongside existing overhead wires. In future it may be possible to agree with Openreach to share existing wires.
Cllr Keeping proposed that the Council sign the agreement with Gigaclear. This was seconded but Cllr Hulme Hunter and carried unanimously,
021/167 Communications and Consultations Report
Cllr Hulme Hunter encouraged Councillors to support the Council Facebook page and the website by engaging with content on FB and flagging up the use of the website for useful content and links.
021/168 The Oxford- Cambridge ARC
Cllr Dickinson pointed out that this is a much more complex issue than the Expressway, which the Council did oppose and is not something that the Council can influence directly. However, it was agreed the Council should adopt a ‘watching brief’, keeping abreast of developments and being aware of anything that might impact directly on the village,
021/169 Brill Parish Council Insurance
Cllr Dickinson proposed that the Council approve renewal of insurance with Ecclesiastical for 2021/22 but the Clerk will investigate including the windmill in future renewals. Seconded by Cllr Keeping and carried unanimously.
021/170 Parish Correspondence and Suggestions Database
A letter from BVCH solicitors will be discussed directly with BVCH to avoid unnecessary escalation of solicitor’s fees.
021/171 Requests
A proposal to allow Brill Scouts to use the playing field for this year’s firework display was passed unanimously.
021/172 Receipts and Payments.
A proposal to approve all was passed unanimously.
August Payments
Memorial Hall £174.33
Aspire [grass-cutting] £528.00
Rob Timms £100.00
BT £92.74
N Power [street lighting] £98.31
Buckinghamshire Council [waste] £29.50
Previous Clerk final salary to 10/8 £424.34
Clerk salary £650.00
PO [stamps] £17.00`
September Receipts
Precept from Buckinghamshire Council £22,242.50
September Payments
Aspire [grass-cutting] £528.00
Rob Timms £100.00
BT £57.81
N Power [street lighting] £98.31
British Legion poppy wreath £25.00
Buckinghamshire Council [waste] £29.50
Fee for audit to PKF Littlejohn £360.00
Insurance renewal to Came and Co. £2000.29
Clerk salary £650.00
Oxford Oak Tree Surgery (MUGA) £2400 (to be reimbursed on completion)
Date of next meeting
This will be held on Tuesday 19th October at 7.45pm in Brill Memorial Hall.