minutes of the meeting of Brill Parish Council

on wednesday september 28th at 7.45pm

in Brill Memorial Hall

Present: Cllr Tuffley (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Slater, Cllr Springs, Cllr Judge and 6 members of the public.

022/224 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received for Cllr Keeping.

022/225 To receive any declarations of interest.
Cllr Spring declared an interest on Planning Application 22/02892/APP – 34 Brae Hill

022/226 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2022
The minutes from the meeting were signed and approved. Cllr Tuffley proposed and Cllr Slater seconded. The decision was passed unanimously

022/228 Planning applications

The Pointer PH The Pointer Ph 27 Church Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RT
T1 Prune from building to clear by 1m T2 Fell T3 Fell
No Objection – Cllr Slater raised a comment about the meaning of partial Ash Dieback

34 Brae Hill Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9TF
Householder application for erection of side extension and wooden deck to rear (retrospective)
No Objection - The Parish Council does however want to raise two points for the attention of the Planning Officer: The plans for the additional structure has further reduced light into the neighbouring property. The Parish Council notes this work was done without planning consent and would expect any future work to be done after planning permission has been granted

27 The Green Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RU
Householder application for single storey rear/side link extension, conversion of existing outbuilding to ancillary annexe and garden store, and external works to include the creation of external steps, extension and upgrade to paving area and adjustment of boundary wall
No Objection

022/055 Resignation of Cllr Hulme Hunter as Vice Chair / Appointment of new Vice Chair
It was proposed for Cllr Springs to be the new Vice-Chair, seconded by Cllr Hulme Hunter and unanimously agreed.

022/056 Quarterly Review of Parish Council Finances
The clerk outlined the current financial position of the Council, and finances being spent.

It was agreed for Cllr Keeping to be finance Councillor. As part of the role, Cllr Keeping will work with the clerk over the finances providing scrutiny and spot checks as an internal control.

It was also agreed for a finance committee to be created comprising of Cllr Keeping, Cllr Judge, The Chair (currently Cllr Tuffley) and the clerk. The finance committee will meet quarterly with an additional budget meeting in November. The budget will then be brought before the full Council at the November / December meeting.

022/057 Removal of Sensory equipment from the Play Area

  • Cllr Springs expressed her desire to have the equipment dampened with softer beaters as well as implantation of signs.

  • Cllr Judge stated it was very important to go back to the funding providers to feedback the issues that have arisen over the equipment so that they can be taken into account in future projects. Cllr Judge also noted that the removal of the beaters may have reduced the impact on neighbours. If the equipment was modified to reduce the volume permanenly and soft beaters supplied, this might be acceptable to neighbours, but the situation should be kept under review as the well-being of neighbours is a priority. .

  • Cllr Slater expressed her determination against moving and segregating the sensory equipment from the other equipment. The ideas put forward by the Play Area committee were interesting and worth exploring.

  • Cllr Hulme Hunter stood by her original proposal (made and voted on in July) to remove the sensory play equipment from the area. She would like the equipment to be moved to the copse in the middle of the playing fields and for the sound to be muffled/dampened.

The Council resolved to dampen the equipment and leave it in the Play Area, with new softer beaters. The noise levels of the equipment will be kept under constant review. The Council will also consult on this proposal with the immediate neighbours.

022/058 Parish Council Policies

  1. Biodiversity Policy

    Cllr Slater proposed to remove the final sentence. This was seconded by Cllr Tuffley with 3 agreements and one neutral. The policy with this amendment was adopted and to be reviewed annually.

  2. Re-adopt the Code of Conduct

    The Code of Conduct was reviewed and adopted by the Council and to be reviewed annually.

022/059 The Green / Common

  1. To review the request to lay a commemorative plaque by the Diamond Jubilee Oak on the Green.

    Cllr Slater, whilst appreciated the idea, was concerned regarding the precedent that would be set for the future.

    Cllr Tuffley proposed for a commerative plaque set into the ground by the Jubilee Oak. Cllr Judge seconded and it was agreed by three votes to one abstention. Cllr Springs to work with Dave Munson on the design and wording of the plaque.

  2. Review the request for service and repair of the Commander Mower
    Cllr Slater proposed to pay for the repair of the Commander Mower. Seconded by Cllr Tuffley and unanimously agreed.

  3. To receive the report from the first meeting of the Brill Common & Village Greens Advisory Group
    Cllr Slater updated that the meeting was very successful in bringing the various groups together. The process is still a work in progress and the minutes form the meeting will be sent out shortly. Currently one member of each group attends the meeting and able to bring one additional person. The next meeting is scheduled for December.

  4. To receive an update of the meeting regarding encroachment on the Village Green

    Cllr Slater expressed concern that the Council has not been as robust on encroachment as it should have been. It is important to make it clear, this is not Council policy and the Council is intent on taking a strong position on encroachment. It was also agreed to have a Working Together meeting to review the current list of possible encroachments in the Parish.

    Cllr Judge updated on the meeting with the residents at Carson Cottages. It has been difficult to establish the boundary between the property and the Village Green. But after a positive meeting with the residents in question, they have taken steps to remove items from the Green including the fence that had been erected.

022/060 Roads & Traffic

  1. To receive and hear the proposal for first stage of managing parking in the Memorial Hall Car Park

    The funding has been received by Haddenham & Waddesdon Community Board for the Speed Indicator signs. The Council will be receiving two devices. The cost to the Parish Council will be £3295 for the two devices (50% of the cost) plus £200 for installation on existing poles and £750 for installation of any new poles. A fee of £165 is also payable to Buckinghamshire Council for a license for each new pole.

    Cllr Judge proposed taking forward the previous plans to install the bollards on the pavement alongside the Memorial Hall and to ask the LAT for a quote for the work.

    Cllr Judge proposed in conjunction with the BMH committee to trial a ‘P’ sign on the Memorial Hall car park for three months, to encourage use of the car park rather than parking on the road. A trial period was needed to check that parking for users of the Memorial Hall would not be adversely affected. This was seconded by Cllr Tuffley and unanimously agreed.

    Cllr Judge had been contacted by a resident about parking at the end of Church Street with the cars possibly blocking access for emergency vehicles. Cllr Judge to contact the LAT to establish what is permissible to discourage parking, including primrose lines.

    Cllr Judge also updated that there may be significant delays in any works due to the change in Highways contractors at Bucks Council

  2. Update on the placement of electric vehicle charging points in the Parish.

    Councillor Judge proposed putting in a request for charging points in the Memorial Hall car park. This was seconded by Cllr Slater and agreed unanimously.

022/061 Parish Council Liability Insurance
The Council agreed the Liability Insurance at a cost of £2,580.83

022/062 Registration of Brill Memorial Hall on the Land Registry
Cllr Springs proposed starting the process for registering the Brill Memorial Hall on the Land Registry. This was seconded by Cllr Tuffley and unanimously agreed.

022/063 Brill History Book
Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed presenting a copy of the new book The Kings at Brill by Mike Farley, to the school as a gift from the Parish Council. This was agreed.

022/064 Dog Excrement on the Playing Field
Cllr Hulme Hunter updated that the school has agreed to ask the children to make posters asking residents to pick up the dog poo. The posters will be judge by the PC on which to be used.

022/065 Confirmations
The PC confirmed the decision to match fund the new defibrillator at the Sports & Social Club
The Council confirmed payment for Tim Patrick for the removal of Ragwort
The Council confirmed Bucks Energy utility contract renewal

022/066 Communications Database
Cllr Hulme Hunter reported that most items on the database are completed with only a few recent additions outstanding. It is important that a copy of the database is put before the council at each meeting for a more detailed review by all councillors. 

022/067 Receipts and Payments

September Payments

Aspire – Grass Cutting £528.00
R Damerell £535.60
HMRC £126.40
BALC – Right of Way Training £70.00
Oxford Oak Tree – Work on Span Green £336.00
Gordon Govier – Noticeboards / Dog Bins £60.00
BT £57.76
Bucks Council – Bin collection £27.40
Rob Timms – Emptying Bins /Noticeboard / New Dog Bins £477.50
Tim Patrick – Ragwort Removal £240.00
Owlsworth – Windmill repair £9,000
J Tuffley – Map Print £7.60
Hannah Hulme Hunter – (Line Marker, Table Tennis, Bulletin board pins, Google workshop Jan-June) £46.99

September Receipts

Bucks Council – 2nd Precept 23,087.50
HMRC – VAT Reclaim £22,335.83
Brill Society £7,500          

Meeting closed at 10pm

A confidential session followed the conclusion of the public meeting

022/047 The Walks

A formal thank you to be made to Tim Patrick for all the work he has done recently on The Walks and to Tony Bostrum for the signs he has made and welcome Elaine Dickinson as the new Chair of the Walks Committee. Also a formal thank you to Mollie and Colin Buggey for all their work on the walks over the years.

Cllr Slater reiterated the above expressions of gratitude to Mollie and Colin Buggey and the others mentioned.

ACTION No further action required

022/048 Dropbox

To review the Dropbox storage trial and Resolve which option to adopt. 

Cllr Judge and the Clerk have set up a trial version of a Dropbox business account and have circulated two methods of accessing files. He will send out further tasks to enable us to fully access the system. If all goes well, Cllr Judge proposes we sign up for a full version. He will then negotiate a non-profit making discount.

Cllr Judge proposed that if all goes well with the trial we adopt Dropbox without further discussion. Seconded by Cllr Hulme Hunter and agreed by all.

ACTION Cllr Judge to work with the Clerk to expedite this project.

Cllr Keeping suggested we hold training session in the use of Dropbox to ensure we use this facility to its full advantage. To plan at a later date.

Cllr Hulme Hunter reminded us of our ambition to scan and file old paper-only files. Because Dropbox enables word searching even in PDFs, this could be done in bulk. To discuss at a later meeting. 

Cllr Judge suggested we review out broadband subscription in view of Gigaclear’s arrival in the village

ACTION Clerk to review costs of current broadband and compare with Gigaclear 

Comments from the public at the start of the meeting