October 19, 2021


Present: Cllr Dickinson (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Keeping, Cllr Slater, Cllr Springs and 8 members of the public.

021/174 There were apologies for absence from Cllr Daly and Cllr Tuffley.

021/175 There were no declarations of interest.

021/176 The minutes of the previous meetings of 21 September and 28 September 2021 were approved. Proposed by Cllr Slater and seconded by Cllr Hulme Hunter.

021/177 Planning applications

21/02201/APP – Brill

Stable House 25 The Green Brill HP18 9RU

Drop kerb, new gate and post in to paddock

This application came to the meeting again for review. It had been established that the planning notice was incorrectly posted and this led to various anomalies. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the Planning Authority asking them to reapply the notice correctly and to reset the time period for comments. This will then be reviewed at the next meeting.

21/03790/APP – Brill

22 Brae Hill Brill HP18 9TF

Householder application for proposed 2-storey side extension

No objections

21/03963 /APP – Brill

Hybanks North Hills Brill HP18 9TH

Householder application for proposed garden annex

No objections

021/178 The Common

It was proposed by Cllr Dickinson that the cost of servicing the Commander mower is capped at £1000 and review if the quote comes in higher. Seconded by Cllr Slater and passed unanimously.

The cost of the repair of the bollards at Span Green came in at double the original quote from Bison Products. The Clerk to prepare a summary of what happened and make suggestions for future process. Cllr Dickinson noted that this will come up in the Council’s review of its Standing Orders to come to the next meeting for assessment.

021/179 Brill Village Community Herd

Cllr Slater reported that soon after the Task and Finish meeting on 12th October the Chair of BVCH had suggested a compromise: that BVCH would offer to pay 25% of the legal fee as a gesture of goodwill and because they want to bring an end to this. Cllr Keeping agreed that a swift resolution was needed but how this is to be achieved remains in deadlock. He suggested investigating whether an independent arbitrator might help with a resolution although both parties would have to agree that the resolution be binding. Cllr Dickinson suggested that the Council write to BVCH saying that because this situation is not the PC’s fault there is no reason for it to be liable for their unnecessary legal fees. Cllrs Hulme Hunter, Slater and Springs felt that this was too provocative and that there were clearly alternative views open to interpretation.

Cllr Slater proposed BVCH’s compromise that the legal fees be shared 75/25 with the Council paying the larger share. This was seconded by Cllr Springs and defeated by 3 votes to 2. Cllr Springs proposed that the Council write to BVCH to ask whether they would be open to arbitration to resolve the matter satisfactorily. This was seconded by Cllr Keeping and passed by 3 votes to 1 with one abstention.

Cllr Slater then said she believed this decision will likely escalate rather than diffuse relations between the Council and BVCH. In all likelihood further arbitration will cost the Council more money than paying 75% of the solicitor’s bill and as an opportunity to end this division once and for all was not taken up by the Council she would therefore be unable to continue being BVCH liaison with integrity.

021/180 Roads and Traffic

Cllr Dickinson had nothing to report at this point as finance and BVCH had been his primary concern this month. It was agreed that since this is an important topic with a good deal of concern in the village it would come to the November meeting to assess whether another Councillor might be prepared to take some of this on.

021/181 HM Prison Grendon Underwood. It was noted that there is a lot of opposition to the expansion of the prison and the Council probably wouldn’t add anything particularly as it is outside the planning area. No further action.

021/182 Communications and Consultation

  1. Cllr Hulme Hunter explained the database policy as an overview of village issues where every communication is logged enabling all Councillors to keep tabs on concerns and necessary actions. The environment and roads and traffic are the two most dominant themes.

  2. The new communications policy was deferred to next meeting.

  3. Cllr Hulme Hunter suggested that the Council might take a stall at the monthly community market as an opportunity to engage directly with villagers.

021/183 Cllr Dickinson proposed that the drone policy be ratified. This was seconded by Cllr Slater and passed unanimously. It was noted that the legal basis of this policy was the CAA Drone and Model Aircraft Code. It was agreed to place a notice on the Council board by the windmill and Cllr Hulme Hunter will devise a summary for this purpose.

021/184 Brill Memorial Hall

Cllr Dickinson reported that the Hall’s finances are in good shape with about £40,000 in cash but a commitment of about £16,000 has been made for necessary repairs. EV charging points are also being investigated. The Council approved the Hall’s permission to extend its existing WiFi.

Cllr Dickinson proposed that the PC’s annual grant to the Hall of £2000 be approved. This was seconded by Cllr Hulme Hunter and passed unanimously.

021/185 Finance Report

The Clerk reported that the total spend to date is £23, 177.41 against a forecast of £64, 226. Receipts to date are £46, 156.22 against a forecast of £50,675.69. This leaves a shortfall of £13,550.31 which is accounted for by spend on MUGA and the new playground.

021/186 Receipts and Payments

October Payments

Brill Memorial Hall &2000.00

Aspire [grass-cutting] £528.00

Rob Timms [Bin emptying and repair of fence] £135.00

BT £52.74

N Power [street lighting] £tbc

Buckinghamshire Council [waste] £27.40

Clerk salary £650.00

Election expenses to Bucks Council £1236.90

Copy of VALP Report £24.14

New printer/scanner and computer costs £204.00

Sarah Frewin [Use of shed for storage] £30.00

Bison for repair of bollards at Span Green £970.00

Cllr Hulme Hunter website expense £9.99

Housemartin Agricultural – tractor mower for the Walks £1799.00

Date of next meeting

This will be held on Tuesday 16 November at 7.45 in Brill Memorial Hall.