ON TUESDAY February 21st AT 7.45PM
Present: Cllr Tuffley (Chair), Cllr Springs, Cllr Judge, Cllr Slater, Cllr Hulme Hunter and 13 members of the public.
023/122 To receive apologies for absence
No apologies were received
022/123 To receive any declarations of interest.
Cllr Slater declared an interest regarding the Grant being requested from Bucks Council for Teaching English as a Foreign Language as part of Brill with Ukraine
022/124 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2023.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true record of meeting.
022/102 Planning applications
Planning Ref 23/00307/AOP-BRILL
Address 58 The Firs Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RY
Proposal Outline application for erection of a two bed dwelling
Comments Deadline 7 March 2023
Parish Council Decision To be taken after other councillors have visited the site
Two councillors had visited the site, and recommended objecting to the development on the grounds that it was out of keeping with the area, and it overlooked the garden and rear windows of 56 The Firs (the proposed dwelling being very close to the boundary). Access to the site along the narrow track was also a concern. The Parish Council noted that a similar proposal (20/02251/APP) had been refused planning permission as it was out of keeping with the area, was cramped, too small for future occupiers and was of limited benefit. Other councillors had not yet visited the site, so it was agreed that the final decision on the Parish Council’s position would be discussed by email once site visits had been carried out.
To review the Council’s response to planning applications in the village including working hours, disruption by professional developers in residential areas.
With working from home being increasingly common, building works in residential areas can be very disruptive to residents. Working hours are also restricted to Monday-Friday and Saturday mornings, but the PC has received reports that some contractors are not complying with these recommendations.
The Parish Council resolved to draw these issues to the attention of the planning department, starting by commenting on planning applications, when appropriate. The Brill PC website would also be used to publicise the issue.
The Council agreed to post an additional comment for the planning application for: 23/00307/AOP-BRILL, due to the possible disruption of enjoyment of the Common during the building works. Cllr Judge to draft the comment and circulate.
023/126 Standing Orders
The Council approved the amendments to the Standing Orders and for it to be a Working Document to be reviewed in line with other Council policies
023/127 The Common & Wildlife
To review and agree the formal letter to be sent out to all residents regarding the Common.
The Wording of the letter on Encroachment and Common Land to be sent out to all residents has been circulated and agreed in principle with some further amendments. The next stage is for letters to be sent out following legal advice on the draft wording.
Beating the Bounds – To review the arrangements for Beating the Bounds
It was agreed for the event to take place on 20 May 2023. The frequency of the event to be determined following this first event.
It was clarified that the event is a celebration of Common Land and each member of the Council who can attend will lead a group of people around a certain section of the Common at which if instances of encroachment are spotted these can be recorded. It will also inform residents of the boundaries and raise awareness of areas that are part of the Common that residents might not be aware of.
To vote on the first location in the village to ‘let the grass grow’
Cllr Springs proposed the Area of the Green adjacent to the Church. Cllr Slater seconded and it was unanimously agreed. The Clerk to contact Aspire to consult and inform them of the decision.
023/128 Road & Traffic
Cllr Judge updated that there had been no progress on installing the SID’s, there is no date yet for the training course.
Cllr Judge is meeting with the Local Area Technician this week (w/o 20th February 2023)
The commercial supplier has expressed concern with installing the new charging points in the Memorial Hall Car Park as it is ‘too hidden’. (Note: the commercial supplier has since confirmed that it considers the car park as suitable and the next step is a detailed survey.)
Cllr Judge is seeking quotes for refurbishing the car park and for ordering the new Car Park sign. It was suggested to contact Jon Vaile & Elaine Hassell to enquire about quotes for the car park and any regulations that need to be adhered to in resurfacing the car park.
023/129 Feedback from H&W Community Board
Cllr Judge suggested following advice from Bucks Council, placing signs on the Common discouraging barbecues and other open flames on the Common. It was agreed to review this at the March meeting.
Buckinghamshire Council has sent out a call to landowners for potential brownfield building sites. The results from the call can be seen on https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/call-for-brownfield-sites/. The closest site to Brill appears to be the old airfield in Oakley. Buckinghamshire Council is conducting a similar exercise to identify other potential building sites and the results will also be published.
023/130 Play Area Sensory Equipment
Cllr Tuffley proposed leaving the Sensory equipment in the Play Area for a trial period over the spring and Summer and review this in September. Cllr Tuffley to periodically contact the resident who raised the original concerns. Cllr Slater seconded and it was agreed with three votes for, one against from Cllr Hulme Hunter and one abstention from Cllr Judge.
023/131 After School football club on King George V Playing Field
Cllr Tuffley updated that the Council approved for an after school football club with a caveat for half priced spaces for any children who may not be able to afford the full cost. It was agreed for anyone to contact the Clerk directly for further information.
023/132 Section 137 Grants
The Council resolved for Cllr Tuffley to ask for further information on the Section 137 Grant request from Art on the Hill in order to make a decision.
023/133 Brill Coffee Van
The Parish Council resolved to agree to the proposed changes to the trading hours and contingency location of the Village Green.
023/134 Communications Database
Update from Sports &Social Club
The club are looking to source two to three quotes to get the football pitch up to and then maintain to a higher standard. They are also looking for grants and other funding options.
The AGM will be held on the 4th March 2023.
Defibrillator – This has been installed and Cllr Hannah Hulme Hunter is looking into training. The PC has agreed to help meet the cost of training, which will be open to all residents.
A generous donation has been received for benches around the playing field.
The Club have asked if the Council has a copy of the original Lease between the land owner and the Parish Council so it can be reviewe
Co-option Vacancies
There have been three applications for the two current vacancies
It was agreed for two Councillors to meet with the three Councillor applicants ready for a vote at the March meeting.
Receipts & Payments
February 2023 Payments
Jennifer Tuffley – Brill with Ukraine expenses £23.70
Aspire – Grass Cutting (January 2023) £528.00
Liz Springs – Annual Meeting refreshment expenses £13.48
Oxford Oak Tree Surgery – Tree Works (South Hills) £192.00
Emi Slater – Brill with Ukraine (English Teaching & Resources) £494.57
Bucks Council – Dog bins (Emptying) £926.02
Liz Springs - Stationery £17.99
Robert Damerell – Clerk Salary £856.61
HMRC – PAYE £210.08
Aspire Grass Cutting (February 2023) £528.00
Rob Timms – Bins £105.00
BVCH – Quarterly Payment £600.00
E J Pugh – Brill with Ukraine (English Teaching) £140.00
Briants - Fencing £65.22
Bucks Council – Waste Bins £30.38
BT – Broadband & Phone £57.76
February 2023 Receipts
Interest £7.17
Brill with Ukraine £250.00
Bucks Council – Brill with Ukraine Grant (English Teaching) £2,100.00
There was no Confidential Session