ON WEDNESDAY November 15th AT 7.45PM
Present: Cllr Tuffley (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Keeping, Cllr Springs, Cllr Judge and no members of the public.
022/084 To receive apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Slater and Bucks Councillor Michael Rand
022/085 To receive any declarations of interest.
No Interests were declared
022/086 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2022.
The minutes to be approved at the December Meeting
022/087 Planning applications
Planning Ref 22/03473/APP
Address Ley Hill 21 South Hills Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9TQ
Proposal Demolition of garage workshop and greenhouse. Erection of detached dwelling.
Comments Deadline 16/11/2022
Parish Council Decision Support
022/088 Standing Orders
Cllr Tuffley circulated possible amendments to the Standing Orders for the Councillors to review and then the amended document to be voted on at the December meeting.
Action: Cllr Tuffley
The Clerk to respond to the resident confirming that the decision over the Sensory equipment in the Play Are taken in September 2022 was in breach of the Standing Orders and has therefore been rescinded.
Action: The Clerk
022/089 Play Area Path
To review the request from the Play Area committee for a path to be installed to the new Play Area
The Parish Council resolved to agree to the installation of path from the gate to the new Play Area.
Action: The Clerk to contact The Play Area committee
022/090 Request to use the King George V Playing Field for Children’s Football Club
To receive and review the request to use the King George V Playing Field for Children’s Football Club on Thursday and Saturday
Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed for the Children’s football club to use the King George V Playing Field. The Council agreed to research a suitable a fee for the use of the Playing Field. The arrangement will then be reviewed after a term.
Action: The Clerk to research a suitable fee.
Action: Cllr Hulme Hunter to contact the applicant to confirm the decision and the Clerk to follow up with the details
Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed for an additional dog poo bin for the King George V Playing Field next to the current bin near the Fire Station alleyway. This was seconded by Cllr Tuffley and agreed unanimously by the Council.
Action: Cllr Hulme Hunter to contact Bucks Council for a new Dog Bin
022/091 Household flooding on South Hills
To review the email from the residents in regards to the flooding on South Hills
The Parish Council resolved to offer to make a contribution towards to the cost to the re-instatement of the ditch / culvert flood defence, whilst not admitting liability for the maintenance. The Parish Council will also raise the ongoing concern of the maintenance of the ditch moving forward.
Action: The Clerk to contact the residents and to liaise with Bucks Council over the direction of drainage.
022/092 Renewable Energy Group
To review the possibility of creating a renewable energy group within the village.
The Parish Council resolved to agree to explore the possibility of creating a renewable energy group which would report to the Parish Council.
022/093 Road & Traffic
Cllr Judge explained that there has been a delay in delivery of the Speed Indicator Devices and will keep the council informed.
An initial review by Buckinghamshire Council has confirmed that the Memorial Hall Car Park may be suitable for electric vehicle charging points, and the Council will now commission a detailed feasibility study.
Cllr Judge is in contact with the Buckinghamshire Council Parking Team about options to discourage inconsiderate parking at Sun Corner (the corner of Temple Street and Windmill Street). Options may include double-yellow lines or installing bollards, but the Parking Team will advise.
The temporary parking sign outside the Memorial Hall car park will remain for a three month trial period and, if parking for users of the Hall is not disrupted significantly, a permanent sign will be erected. The trial is being carried out in consultation with the Memorial Hall committee.
Cllr Judge has written to the residents of Carson Cottages with instructions from Buckinghamshire Council on how to apply for road markings to discourage cars blocking access to their parking area.
022/094 Fence to the Walks near The Lawns
The Parish Council agreed to remove the Ivy and the rotten wooden fence.
Action: The Clerk to liaise with Rob Timms
022/095 Points to review and Action following walk with BBOWT on Span Green
The item was moved to the December Agenda
022/096 Request to scatter ashes on the Common
Cllr Tuffley proposed to approve the scattering of the Ashes on the Common. This was seconded by Cllr Hulme Hunter and unanimously agreed
Action: The Clerk to contact the applicants
022/097 Communications Database
Cllr Hulme Hunter shared the database and updated the Council.
The Parish Council resolved to consider a funding request from Brill with Ukraine once the proposal is received. The Parish Council Finance Committee will also consider whether to include budgeting for ad hoc funding requests from causes in the village when drafting the 2023/24 Budget
022/098 Receipts and Payments
October Payments
Rob Timms – Bins / Strimming : £272.84
Gordon Govier – Strimming : £60.00
Bobs Damerell – Clerk Salary ; £756.04
HMRC - PAYE ; £181.80
MP Printers ; £42.00
British Legion ; £20.00
Hannah Hulme Hunter – Website Expenses ; £
Jennifer Tuffley – Brill With Ukraine Expenses £30.00
October Receipts
Interest : £6.19
Confidential Session – To follow the conclusion of the public meeting
Confidential business: To consider and resolve whether to exclude Public and Press on the grounds that matters for discussion affect individual staff members / procedures / legal / finance issues.