ON TUESDAY April 18th AT 7.45PM
Present: Cllr Tuffley (Chair), Cllr Springs, Cllr Slater, Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Kent, Cllr Baker and 3 members of the public.
023/146 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received for Cllr Judge
023/147 To receive any declarations of interest.
Cllr Slater declared an interest regarding the Grant being requested from Bucks Council for Teaching English as a Foreign Language as part of Brill with Ukraine
Cllr Slater declared an Interest in item 023/153 Brill Society Sub-Committee
023/148 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2023.
Cllr Slater proposed that the minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true record of meeting. Cllr Hulme Hunter seconded and unanimously agreed
023/149 Planning applications
Planning Ref 23/01152/APP
Address 28 The Green Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RU
Proposal Householder application for demolition of conservatory. Erection of part one and 1/2 storey and part single storey side extensions
Comments Deadline
Parish Council Decision No Objection
Planning Ref 23/01114/ATC
Address The Pointer PH The Pointer Ph 27 Church Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RT
Proposal T1 (cherry tree) cut back by 1.5m to allow clearance from building. T2 (sycamore) - pollard to just above phone cables. As been specified to fell for the survey but the land lord wants to keep the tree. And also fit cable brace. T3 (ash) fell
Parish Council Decision No Objection
Planning Ref
Comments Deadline Land off Ludgershall Road
Parish Council Decision No Objection
Planning Ref 23/00954/ATC
Address 1 Manor Cottages Oakley Road Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RS
Proposal T1 Weeping willow reduce pollard height to 1 foot above primary union
Parish Council Decision No Objection
023/150 Confirmation of New Parish Councillors
Cllrs Baker and Kent were officially co-opted on to the Parish Council
023/151 The Common & Wildlife
Cllr Slater updated the Council on the meeting held with Ceras Rural on the 20th March 2023 and the report that was issued on the same date which outlined possible options the Parish Council could pursue when the Agreement expires on the 31 December 2025 and to start a new Agreement on the 1 January 2026. The Annual income for 2023/24 will be £3,207 due to payment rates increasing.
Cllr Slater also updated that the seed buckets have been placed by Hartwells Barn and these are proving successful in feeding the birds in the area.
The Clerk updated that he had enquired with Rob Timms if he would be able to remove the broken glass on The Walks and he had confirmed that it had already been removed when he went to check it. Rob Timms also confirmed that he will remove the mattress and other items of fly tipping on the Common taking these to the roadside to be collected by Bucks Council.
The Clerk to establish a date for the Encroachment letter to be delivered to all residents and confirm with Councillors.
Beating the Bounds was confirmed for 2pm on the 20th May 2023 with the starting point at the Windmill
Action: The Clerk to confirm the date with the distributors for delivering the Encroachment letter and feedback to Cllrs.
023/152 Road & Traffic
For the benefit of the two co-opted Councillors, Cllr Tuffley summarised the projects currently being carried out by Cllr Judge.
023/153 Brill Society sub-Committee
Cllr Tuffley fed back from the Sub-committee meeting with the Brill Society regarding the maintenance repair work to the Windmill following the Inspection report submitted in March 2023.
Cllr Tuffley suspended the meeting to hear a report from the Chair of the Brill Society on the Inspection Report and costs involved at 21:08
Cllr Tuffley reinstated the meeting at 21:36
Cllr Tuffley proposed pledging the £5,070 to pay for the removal of the sails for inspection. Cllr Hulme Hunter and unanimously agreed with Cllr Slater abstaining.
Action: The Clerk to inform the Brill Society of the Parish Council’s resolution
023/154 BT
The Clerk to confirm with BT a quote for WiFi extension into the Main Hall.
Action: The Clerk to confirm the cost of the BT contract with the WiFi extension
023/155 Update from Meeting with Memorial Hall Committee
Cllr Springs updated the Council that the Caretaker vacancy has been filled.
Quotes have been sought to resurface the Car Park.
The Committee will re-submit the Section 137 application to the Parish Council for consideration
The Committee has agreed to change the lock for the external Green door to the Memorial Hall along with the key safes, to which the Parish Council agreed to meet the cost.
023/156 Brill Community Market
Cllr Hulme Hunter to send through a copy of the Section 137 form to request £330 towards costs for a banner and table for the Brill Community Market.
Action: Cllr Hulme Hunter to submit the Section 137 form for consideration
023/157 Communications Database
Cllr Hulme Hunter shared the database with the Cllrs and gave a brief summary of the database for the benefit of the two co-opted Cllrs
Receipts & Payments
April 2023 Payments
Cllr Hulme Hunter – Website Expenses £200.00
Cllr Hulme Hunter (IT expenses: scheduling, e-newsletter etc) £265.68
Bucks Council - MVAS £3,295.00
Emi Slater – Brill With Ukraine (English Lessons) £662.21
Rob Timms – War memorial work £37.50
BALC - Subscription £185.50
Brill Memorial Hall – Hall Hire £164.33
ND Rogers – War Memorial Steam Cleaning £350.00
Sarah Frewin – Garage Hire £15.00
Gordon Govier – War Memorial Clearance £60.00
Robert Damerell – Clerk Salary £856.61
HMRC - PAYE £210.08
Aspire - Grass Cutting £528.00
Emi Slater – Brill With Ukraine – BSSC Hire £31.50
Bucks Council - Electricity £215.75
BT – Utilities £57.76
Npower - Lights £85.14
Interest £8.94
Precept 1st installment £25,396.25
Brill with Ukraine Grant £4,040.00