brill clubs, GROUPS & societies (page 4)
Brill Short Mat Bowls Club
A long-established club meeting Mondays and Wednesdays in the Memorial Hall 2-4pm.
Memory Lane Café
Meeting every Monday morning in All Saints Church, a supportive and friendly group for those suffering memory loss and their carers. A team of volunteers offer activities and conversation.
Long Crendon Community Library
Brill’s nearest library, transferred from Bucks CC in 2012 and now a registered charity run by volunteers (more always needed). Books, internet access, newspapers & magazines, information and companionship. OPEN Wednesday 2 - 4pm, Saturday 10am - noon.
Oakley Gardening Club
Ok, so not a Brill group but it’s too good to miss - and Oakley is only just down the hill. We’re not jealous - honest!
The Walks Group
A team of residents who manage The Walks on behalf of the parish council. Contact them to join a working party. Read the Walks Group’s annual report. .
Use it or Lose it
Led by clinical exercise specialist, Lesley Simpson, an exercise session adapted for the older person to help you live life to the full. Call Lesley on 07885 655122 to find out more.
Brill village Fête
A late summer highlight; a traditional garden fête with dog show, games, stalls, cakes - and lots of tea held in the beautiful grounds of Brlll House. Lisa Lambert is the coordinator.
Touch Rugby (Brill Beavers)
Brill Touch Rugby plays every Saturday 10:30 on the playing fields (plus Wednesday evenings during the summer). Everyone welcome; any age or ability. Email Dave Downer for more information.
Aunt Sally
Traditional outdoor pub game dating back to 17th Century. Wednesday evenings at BSSC and The Pheasant Inn. New players, including beginners, always welcome.