February 15th, 2022
(with comments & questions from members of the public)


Present: Cllr Tuffley (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Slater, Cllr Springs, and 6 members of the public.

022/224 To receive apologies for absence

Apologies were received for Cllrs Dickinson and Keeping.

022/225 To receive any declarations of interest

No declarations were received

022/226 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2022

The minutes from the meeting were signed and approved. Cllr Tuffley proposed and Cllr Slater seconded. The decision was passed unanimously

022/227 To welcome Bobs Damerell, the new Clerk

022/228 Planning applications

22/00255/APP - BRILL
9 Brae Hill Close Brill HP18 9TE
Demolition of bungalow and erection of two storey dwelling and home office in rear garden
Comments by 23/02/22

Cllr Hulme Hunter Proposed to object with Cllr Springs seconded. The Council Unanimously Resolved to object to the application on the basis of: 

As the street view drawing makes clear, the frontage of the proposed house would be very different to those on either side. Yes, many of the houses in the cul-de-sac have been enlarged at the rear - but their frontages remain consistent with the original low-level cottagey feel of the street. No 9 would be distinctly out of character when viewed from the street.

Second, the proposed home office in the back garden remains problematic. Apart from being over-large for the size of garden, it's frontage is now angled directly towards the terrace of Number 10, with serious implications for privacy of those residents. 

Third, we are disturbed by the implications of building yet another "family home" on the balance of housing types within Brill. We have plenty of larger houses, both purpose-built and as the result of extensions - and a diminishing stock of 1-2 bedroom, single-level homes suitable for the retired or disabled. You will be aware of the increasingly elderly demographic of villages such as Brill; suitable housing on this site would be a small step towards enabling elderly or disabled people to remain within the community.

Finally, because this new application differs in only one substantial way from the withdrawn application (removal of vehicular access to the field) we ask that the case officer takes into account relevant portions of comments made previously by neighbours to this proposed development.

22/00226/APP - BRILL
2 South Hills Brill HP18 9TQ
Householder application for single storey rear extension
Comments by 23/02/22

No objection

022/229. Complaints Procedure

Cllr Tuffley proposed adopting the Complaints Procedure as a working document with a small number of amendments and for this to be reviewed again at the March meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Slater and agreed unanimously.

Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed adopting the three polices she has been drafting (Health and Safety, Equality & Diversity and Safeguarding) as working documents. This was seconded by Cllr Springs and unanimously agreed by the Council.

022/230  The Common

Cllr Slater updated that BBOWT were the best placed to assist with the Common. The opinion from groups was positive for bringing in BBOWT. BBOWT have agreed to come out and speak to the Parish Council, once all parties are in agreement. Cllr Slater outlined the proposal to the Cllrs.


To maximise the potential of Brill Common to support wildlife and provide a pleasant and safe place for quiet recreation and educational visits.

1.     A site visit with relevant stakeholders to gain an understanding of the aspirations of the Parish Council and other parties, and to identify constraints and opportunities.

2.     Combined with a ‘walkover’ survey to assess the extent and condition of habitats and other features on the Common.

3.     An assessment of the existing situation of relevant aspects of the management of the common, including ongoing grant schemes, legal issues (encroachment, status of fencing etc), grazing and other communing issues.

4.     The production of a report with a ‘vision’ for the Common, identifying important features and describing how they might be enhanced to maximise their value for wildlife and for local people. This would also include a summary of the aspects covered in point 3, above.

5.     Attend a public meeting to explain the draft vision and identify shared objectives between different parties.


Outputs 1, 2, 3 4 and 5: Site meeting, walkover survey, production of a written vision, meeting with volunteer groups and parish council. (5 days) = £1925 plus VAT

Mileage (2 visits to Brill) 208 miles @ £0.45 per mile = £93.60 plus VAT

Total fee for outputs 1 - 5 = £2018.60 plus VAT

Cllr Slater proposed for the Parish Council to spend £2,018.60 +VAT on the proposal from BBOWT. This was seconded by Cllr Springs. The decision was agreed unanimously by the Council.

022/231 Traffic Management Proposals

Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed the Council purchase new parking signs for the Memorial Hall particularly in light of the MUGA and play Area traffic. This was seconded by Cllr Tuffley and unanimously agreed.

Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed for a 'walkabout' around the village with all interested councillors with the aim of identifying improvements that could be made both to the quantity and aesthetic of parking in the village with observations to be shared with all Cllrs. Cllr Tuffley seconded and the Council unanimously agreed.

Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed to ask the clerk to get quotes from two companies recommended by Bucks Council for two new mobile Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) with a view to securing matched funding from Haddenham & Waddesdon Community Board and to ask the school if they would be willing to create posters to encourage motorists to slow down. This was seconded by Cllr Springs and unanimously agreed by the Council.

022/232 Environment and Amenities

Cllr Tuffley proposed the Council have a budget of up to £1,000 for maintenance replace up to four of the eight dog bins. Cllr Hulme Hunter seconded and this unanimously agreed. Cllr Hulme Hunter to share with the Cllrs three quotes obtained for the new bins.

Clean up Brill day – Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed organising a clean up day on the 23rd April including litter clearing and cleaning road signs etc. The Council unanimously agreed. The clerk to contact Bucks Council for collection bags and litter pickers.

Cllr Tuffley proposed obtaining the quote from Jon Vaile and Cllrs Tuffley and Slater to meet him to understand the proposal on the site to establish the damage to the trees on the playing field. Cllr Slater seconded and the Parish Council unanimously agreed.

022/233 Council Noticeboard

Cllr Hulme Hunter, after providing 3 quotes, proposed spending £641+VAT on a new noticeboard for the Memorial Hall, to be positioned lower to be more accessible. Cllr Tuffley seconded and was agreed unanimously.

022/234 Council Records 

It was agreed for this item to be moved to the March Agenda.

022/235 Solicitor’s Fees 

Cllr Tuffley proposed a budget of up to £1,500 to engage a solicitor to register the King George V playing field. Cllr Springs seconded and it was unanimously agreed.

022/236 The Walks

Cllr Springs proposed to approve the payment of £1,950 for necessary work on large trees which are potentially hazardous. Cllr Slater agreed and the Council unanimously agreed.

Cllr Springs proposed for Cllr Slater be the interim representative to the Walks for Cllr Keeping until he returns. It was also agreed for Cllr Slater to attend the next walks committee meeting and ask if a member of the Committee would be willing to attend the next Parish Council meeting.

022/237 Queen’s Green Canopy

The Parish Council agreed in principle following further updates to support the Brill Environment Group’s (BEG) to apply for 70 trees for the village to commemorate the Queen’s platinum jubilee. (See also Appendix on public contributions at the start of the meeting.)

022/238 Receipts and Payments

Approval was proposed by Cllr Tuffley and seconded by Cllr Hulme Hunter. Passed unanimously.

February Payments

Aspire {grass-cutting} 528.00

Rob Timms {bin emptying and tidying verge near surgery} 175.00

BT tbc

N Power {street lighting} 197.86

Buckinghamshire Council {waste} 29.50

Clerk salary - Judith Longman {half of February} 325.00

Clerk salary - Bobs Damerell TBC

Sarah Frewin {Shed storage – 5 months} 50.00

February Receipts

Rural Payments Agency 1967.65

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 15 March at 7.45 in Brill Memorial Hall.

Appendix : Questions and comments from the public

Brill Environment Group (BEG)

BEG outlined the following proposal  – Due to the loss of Pete Davis the group wanted to plant a commemorative tree. It was agreed to tie this in with the Jubilee and apply to the Queen’s Green Canopy via the Woodland Trust for 70 trees which could then also commemorate each year the Queen has been on the throne. 

The hope is to include as many people as possible planting the trees. Funding is to be partnered with the woodland trust to meet the cost of trees. BEG is enquiring if the Parish Council would support the proposal.

How would there be engagement with the parish? 

Two up to date maps are being produced to identify potential sites. These would be put on display in the hall for residents to come and view along with a list of possible specimens.

When does the application process start?

The opening window will likely be in March. To apply grid references will be needed along with the land owners approval. An article will be placed in the Bernwode news and displays at the Community Market.

How would the trees be maintained once planted?

The idea would be to divide the trees to individuals or groups eg the School, the Scouts etc.

Would BEG plot the trees?

Yes this is the plan.

The Parish Council expressed its support in principle for the idea.

MUGA update

The MUGA is up. There have been a few delays. There have been a few concerns over the contractor. However work is continuing and the lines will be marked out in the next week or so. 

The area between the school and the MUGA will be seeded. The path to the Scout Hut was due to have a hedge planted, however there has been a suggestion to seed this to ease on mowing. This would be added to the March Agenda.

King George V playing field

In light of the upcoming weed-and-feed the Council asked who currently carries out the work. It was agreed to place this on the March Agenda.